GIR Akar capsule (60 capsule)
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GIR Akar capsule (60 capsule)


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SKU: 8904251199556 Category: Tag:

Product Description :-

Antioxidant Therapy

GIR Akar capsule is a specially designed formula with synergistic action of Ayurvedic herbs and Gaumutra.

The most important herb Vrikshamla (Garcinia) supports healthy weight by stimulating fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Other herbs present in this formula help to scrap off excess fat and purge impurities in the body.

Herbs are blended with Panchgavya Tatva using a proprietary process which significantly improves their bio-availability and effectiveness in the body.

Indications :-


Doses :-

1-2 Capsules per day with warm water or as directed by physician

Weight 0.052 kg